New Moms

Time flies, they say to new moms, but that’s okay!

Everyone tells you that time flies and although it definitely does, we can start to see that passing of time with smiles on our faces rather than tears in our eyes and here are five ways we can get started…

  1. Don’t worry about it; just accept it. Don’t waste so much energy worrying about how scary it is that time will fly. It will fly, and that is okay, but you can learn to appreciate every moment in the present so when you look back on the past you will feel nothing but joy.
  2. Starting today, try to stop time for just a few seconds to snap a mental picture of what is happening at any given moment. This does not have to be a big event; in fact it’s even better when it is something casual and small. Today, my daughter had leftover lunch all over her face, was eating a pretzel, and was standing in the grass staring at a bug; this was the perfect moment for me to capture in my mind. I now have that image of her messy face, puffed up cheeks, still and curious body, and look of wonder in her eyes engraved in my brain. Images like this have helped me be more at peace with the phrase ‘time flies’ because yes, it does, but I have learned how to savor precious moments and am able to smile through that new mama advice every time I hear it.
  3. Something that helps with taking this mental picture is to tune into all five senses at that exact moment in time. When you can tap into not only what you see, but also what sounds your hear at that moment, or if there is a certain scent around you, of perhaps you have a particular taste in your mouth, or feel anything touching your skin…these senses all come together and further imprint that memory.
  4. Start small. At first, challenge yourself to capturing just one precious mental image as described above each week. Once you get the hang of it try once every other day, then once a day, then work your way up to once an hour!
  5. I am an avid picture-taker, poster, and sharer so I am not going to sit here and tell you to put your phones away…per say, but try to put your phones away (eventually). A mental picture is just as important (or even more?) than a social media post. Grab that phone, snag a picture (or ten), but then be done with it and really focus on taking the moment in with your mind, body, and soul. You will be surprised how long lasting such a picture could be when ‘taken’ correctly!

…so that’s it! I challenge you to get started because life is short and time does in fact fly, but that’s okay, because we are going to start cherishing every moment in this short, fast life and boy does it feel great!

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