New Moms

New Mom? Feeling Alone? Don’t worry, you are in the majority.

The fact that you are a new mom and feeling alone in and of itself is evidence just how not alone you are…we all think/thought that! So many new mamas doubt every single move they make. Can I handle this? Am I ready? What if I mess up? How in the world am I supposed to do these things? Do I hold the baby now? How exactly do I hold her/him? Do I nap the baby? Does that cry mean hunger? Is the baby okay? Do I call the doctor again, or is three times in one day too much? Whatever your mind is asking yourself, have no fear – we have literally all had similar thoughts. You are in the majority even though you may think you are the only one. New mamas fear such mom judgement that they often times remain quiet about the fact they have all of these same questions, and don’t even get me started on the superficial social media posting! I love me a good IG post, but I am also aware that I very rarely post the tantrums, the meltdowns, the sibling quarrels, the spilled food, the messy house, and the very tired mama behind it all.

First and foremost – just know you are definitely not alone. I am sorry that you even feel that way, but I know the feeling all too well. Take in some calmness and relief thinking about how there are many other mamas out there right now feeling the same exact way you are so therefore, you are not actually alone.

Secondly, the best way to start to get rid of that lonely feeling for good is to have a forever best friend in your life that will never waver, judge, or leave…and that best friend is actually yourself. Lucille Ball once said “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” If you sign up HERE, you will get an email with my free guide on the Five Ways to Become your Own Best Friend.

…bottom line is – you may think you are alone, but you aren’t. With the right tools in place and a good support system, you will come to realize this very soon. Good luck on your mothering journey, new mama! You’ve got this!

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